Stainless Header MSG Motrorrad

I think it has a few curves that are really appealing - I like that a lot, certainly more aesthetically pleasing than the Carpenter headers
Agree the Carp exhaust may not be the best looking exhaust around most effective yes but best looking no, but this exhaust my god the best part of it ran down its mothers leg.
Agree the Carp exhaust may not be the best looking exhaust around most effective yes but best looking no, but this exhaust my god the best part of it ran down its mothers leg. Nothing like saying it how it is! Each to his own, all opinions are valid to the person who holds them dear!!
Never touched the stuff! Just a different opinion, much like loose women on a Saturday night. When it gets late - they all look Sexy then..
Like the old saying goes --never went to bed with an ugly woman but sure have woke up with a few--- now this is where the Scots differ from every other nationality how is that you ask, well when we chew our arm off to escape in the morning within five minutes a new arm has grown back in.
Ah, the old adage - you get 'Single baggers', just one for her head. 'Double Baggers where you wear a bag too in case hers splits, and Coyote! This is where you wake up in the morning and find her asleep but lying on your arm. You'd rather chew your own arm off than wake the Beast!! Classy..

I went into the pharmacist to purchase condoms.

When I went through the check out the clerk asked me "Do you need a bag?"

I said "No... she ain't that ugly"