Spray Chrome

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I say go for it and post plenty of pictures of the end result.

At the end of the day it's your machine and you can do what you like to it.
I’m not saying not to do it but I thought no Barbagris is correct about the finish and surface of the motor and it will affect the chrome look.
Obviously you are not paying attention to what the wise @barbagris had to say
You assume i am not taking notice i said i will go to see them which means i will go to see them and talk to them get all the info i need make my mind up and if i feel it will be ok i will go ahead.Obviously you have no idea about the process neither do i which is why i listen to people who do and take on board what they say not just comment on something i know nothing about
The motor will not look like shiny smooth chrome, imho.
i have seen their work,and it is very good, and until i see them, and ask the questions about the process and the finish i do not know as does anyone else
I’m not saying not to do it but I thought no Barbagris is correct about the finish and surface of the motor and it will affect the chrome look.
going to see them if they can tell me what i want to hear i will go ahead and post the finished product it all depends on the answers they say they can chrome anything so i will see what they say
I say go for it and post plenty of pictures of the end result.

At the end of the day it's your machine and you can do what you like to it.
Thank you
it can be done with the engine in situ so I have been told
I am prepared to be contradicted and amazed - but I fail to see how they will spray bits of the engine they cannot see - I've had my R3 10 years and here and now - I can say - the rear of my engine is replete with 10 years of inaccessible dirt.

Chrome Spray in Basildon by any chance?
Went to see them this morning and I will have to take everything of the engine that can be taken off they showed me the process it looks really good its a prep of the part to be sprayed then they use Silver Nitrate and some other stuff they were explaining went over my head with that but the Finish is unbelievable and no as expensive as re chrome but alas unless I strip everything that can be taken of the engine it won't be done and that is what I didn't want to get into but having crash helmet done is not a problem but after the disappointing answer with the engine didn't ask the cost would have liked to have had the engine done even the front where the oil filter is as protection but that is strip everything off and don't want to do that so first disappointment of the new year I will have to think of something else unless you have any ideas even for the front have extended front mudguard and belly pan want to protect the front of the engine at least and make it easy to keep clean any thoughts as you seem to know what I want to do
£140 to chrome helmet

I do know the process, and that's why I basically said: "you need to listen to what Barbagris is saying"
But you are free to think what you want to - I will remember that in the future, you are in no need of any advice on anything from me since you have pre-determined that I don't know what I'm talking about. I leave it at that

for now

BTW - ANY surface that will have ANY product "sprayed" over it for whatever effect MUST BE MADE SMOOTH FIRST for said product to lay down - I just thought that was common knowledge
What ever you know or don't know please do not assume I do not listen as I do as for you remembering whatever if I need any help please once more do not Assume that I would ask you as your attitude toward someone you don't even know is off to say the least so I will leave it there for now as I have my answers already and have passed them on to the other gentleman
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