Not sure I understand this(4.30am here) You cut the toe shift off and added the longhorn? Did you weld them together?
Cheques in the mail.
EDIT I didnt realise that was your bike in the classifieds,I just look at the pics. Nice looking bike,lots of extras,I hope you get the price you deserve.
No. I cut the original shifter peg off, then drilled a hole in the shifter where I cut the peg off. The longhorn shifter peg has a threaded bolt that comes with it and I attached an acorn nut to the inside of the shifter peg.
My Classic came with the Triumph boards. Looking at my bike, the link between the heal-toe shifter is pretty
long, the distance between the surface of the board and the shift-rod is at least three inches. I can't visualize
a side view. Won't a Speed Triple shifter have a steep down sloap in order to put the shift ped close to the
I going to put a Pingel Electric Shifter on. I think it will work better without the heal-toe!
I did the same mod as N1. With the speed triple shifter, it mounts directly to the gear shifter thingy that sticks out the side of the engine. It has steps on it that allow you to set the angle for a comfortable fit.
Of course, John and I both have(me)/had(John) R3 Standards with the Std floorboard kits and yours is a Classic. The floorboards on the Std kit are angled up somewhat as compared to the Classic's which mount somewhat more horizontal.
I would expect that at the point where the shifter would be placed that it would be within a 1/2 in of the height above the board between the Std and Classic boards. In other words, yes it would be angled down more with your Classic but I wouldn't expect it to be more than 1 step on the gear shifter thingy. I bet it would work just fine.
OOPS: Correction
John had Rivco boards instead of the Triumph Std Floorboards. The Rivco boards mount even flatter than the Classic boards so that makes your concern less of a concern.