This morning ive made some progress, should be completed and ready for customer pick up by 5 and i finally figured out how the engine must go back in for an easy install, now that part took a minute but i was determined to get a system down that works for me.
This morning ive made some progress, should be completed and ready for customer pick up by 5 and i finally figured out how the engine must go back in for an easy install, now that part took a minute but i was determined to get a system down that works for me.
Its a done deal and bike is happy, tomorrow i will fill with evans flush for evans coolant. Set throttle body balance and go riding, it was fun, thanks for sharing
It is purring so nice, acting so nice. So ill give her something to help with the heat, hey tit for tat, she plays nice i do nice things for her. 101 here today, good test, test ride complete all is good, now to behave more responsibly is the goal.
And to be clear, no codes, stepper is not connected mechanically, second tps not connected mechanically there is no second shaft or butterlies. All sensors are hooked up electronically but thats it, you have to set idle manually, set tps voltage, set map pressures and thats it. Again no codes no lights no nothing but the tps. Running flawless, its scary how mean this engine is. No plans to dyno in this heat. The tune in it seems to be very close. I took the same route on test ride that i broke on, had to cross that spot in the road that cost me a rally and 40 hours of humping it to fix.
As I have proven to myself, the fault circuitry only looks for the device to be there (electrical continuity). It doesn't care if it's not functioning properly. That's why bikes with the high idle problem never throw a code.
the 2500 extreme from jet hot does pretty good and having a very tuned engine its not bad, you can rub against mine and not get blistered, during cold days i grab it and of ofcourse turn loose but theyre not like carpenter pipes or ceramic coated pipes that get blistering hot, not mine.
Idaho Red you right though i would like some nice heat shields, they definitely do get hot just not blistering but more cooler on the calf would be nice