Some Rockets like too

I don't care what anybody says, there is no pipe that sounds better on a Rocket. That video clip is what made me chose that pipe.
Definitely doesn’t sound like a tractor, sounds like a race demon, I definitely like the sound that thang is putting out
You did it wrong if it wheelies. Whatch again lower launch rpm and practice.

Got to slip the clutch alot more. The rocket is hard to launch especially if you have modded it any. With 200hp, there is no way you can go wide open throttle if it hooks. At any speed in first it will wheelie up.

I would almost guess the carpenter bike leaves in 2nd gear?
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I don't care what anybody says, there is no pipe that sounds better on a Rocket. That video clip is what made me chose that pipe.

Agreed, Amigo.
After a ride with @alpental, I too detetmined Brute sounds best.
The springs still suck!
PS: Since then, the Les 2" on Rob's built engine has become my personal #1.
BTW - If you know of a Brute for sale, I'm interested.
Agreed, Amigo.
After a ride with @alpental, I too detetmined Brute sounds best.
The springs still suck!
PS: Since then, the Les 2" on Rob's built engine has become my personal #1.
BTW - If you know of a Brute for sale, I'm interested.
Les 2.25 in woohoo awesome
All the races I’ve done have been against slugs like Indians. I just easy off in first, let it rev and hit second like violence....... game over. I do go to third just to make them smaller in the rear mirrors and forth is just to bring the rpms back down.

I find it way more fun to let them first get ahead.
Gives the suckers hope.
Then you get to enjoy blowing their HD sunglasses off when you grease them!