So I helped a guy pick up his Triumph Rocket 3 in a parking lot... (just venting)

He was just embarassed as hell and had already run away in his mind. Or, he’s a dick. Thanks for the post. It led to Wrecka’s video of how to pick up a dropped bike. I may (probably) need that some day.
Don't know why he'd be embarrassed it's not like no one has ever dropped their bike before. I have dropped the rocket once got into it with the missus about something stupid cracked it went to ride off then she yelled something at me went to get off the Bike forgot to put the stand down and down she went. Now that's embarrassing, my wife and various onlookers laughing at me. ended up laughing at myself for being a d$#Khead. i'll got crash bars so it was an easy lift by myself.

Yeah having both dropped my bike and had help lifting it, as well as helped others lift their own bikes back up, there is no reason to not offer a simple thanks - nothing to do with biker etiquette or pride being hurt (harden up!) etc... just good social awareness and respect for someone offering to help out. So on behalf of all those who have dropped their bikes in a public forum - thanks mate!
Don’t try to psychoanalyst the guy, psychoanalyze yourselves.

He might not have said thanks, that’s his problem.

Some people feel they deserve common courtesy for their actions and are offended when they don’t receive it. That’s your problem.

Just continue to take nice actions if you feel like doing so, not because you’re going to receive some sort of reward for doing so.

Your lives will be much better if you live by that tenet.

We were on a french motorway, already running on fumes and ‘distance to empty’ rolled onto 0! Pulled into a rest stop with 25ks still to go to next petrol station... We were sitting there planning what to do next when a very elderly UK couple in a camper van rolled up and asked if we needed help. They offered to take me to the next servo but problem was how to get back.... in they end they offered to put themselves behind us in the slow lane with their hazard lights on (running interference from the traffic) and we crawled the 25ks to the servo well protected. We arrived their safe and sound. Offered them some coffee and cake and sat and had a chat with them. Turned out the old boy used to have a Black Prince and despite not having ridden for many years always stopped to help bikers out! Now that’s Biker Etiquette!!

Done that - got home tired, got off and simply forgot to put the stand down! Down she went! D’oh! Idiot! First thing I did was to look around to see if anyone had seen my stupidity!

Don't feel bad. I'm sure he was overwhelmed with embarrassment. Just wanting to get out of there and his mind wondering what kind of damage he might have done to his bike trumps everything else. I'm sure he was kicking and beating himself up later for failing to say something. Most all of us have been there and after the shame is gone you have a chance to reflect on what you should and shouldn't have done.
One more story to the list. A few year ago rode to a toy run using the back roads. Had a guy on a gold wing pass me like i was standing still. Up and around the corner found him busted up badly after hitting a deer. Did not make the run instead stopped and fixed him up until the authorities showed up. His wife thanked me later on stopping and helping. The guy spent a month or two in the Hospital. Meet the guy this year at the same toy run. New Goldwing and now a much smarter rider. He bought me lunch and we talked a bit. Have rode with him a few times and is really a good guy. His wife accompany him at the last run. She to this day is so thankful that i stopped and assisted it is unreal. Might be one of the biggest $ssholes on two wheels but will stop and help no matter what. Nature of the beast. Don't expect a thank you ain't looking for one. Just figure one of these days might require some help. Karma can either be a Mother $ucker or for what you have done in the past a life saver. Think about it.