So I helped a guy pick up his Triumph Rocket 3 in a parking lot... (just venting)

Have helped a lot of folks and never had anyone not say thanks. One guy was sitting on the side of the highway with a flat tire during the summer. About 110 degrees in the shade. He was waiting on his wife to show up with a trailer. Offered him a bottle of water(carry a bottle during the summer) He drank it quickly. Took off and returned with a few more bottles of water. To this day still receive Christmas card and 20 dollar gift certificate from wall-mart from him.
Last time I was helped was out of gas on 146 south in Texas City. Three people stopped to check if I was OK and offered help. Had to take the last offer from a couple who took me to a gas station where I bough a can and gas and got me back to the bike and waited until I was running. They kept the can but refused any other reward. Credit to my Guardian Angel was granted by all.

On behalf of Rocket III owners, THANK YOU.

I wouldn't take it personally, he was probably just embarrassed and pissed off about damaging it and didn't think,,, I've helped guys stuck on the side of the road before and you'd be lucky to get a grunt off them never mind a thanks.
I've been on both sides (helper and helpee...). I was very thankful but admittedly, as the helpee, wanted to escape the situation as quickly as possible... :-/

In my Air Force military world we talk about folks being "an E-9 or a true Chief..." or "an O-6 or a true Colonel"...the former being self absorbed and the latter doing what's right for their folks and the team... What would be the parallel here??
Hey at least you helped and that makes the world a better place.
Maybe he will give someone some help in the future when an issue presents itself.
Probably just not his best moment, might have got home and said "man I forgot to thank that guy."


I just threw up in my mouth
It takes all kinds. On one of my flat rear tires, sitting on the side of a major highway, in the heat, sat and watched several Hardley's ride by, and none even waved, let alone stopped to ask if I needed help. Already had a trailer on the way anyhow. Then a guy pulling a horse trailer stopped, offered help, phone, etc. etc. then gave me a cold beer from his cooler! Another time when out of gas (don't ask) a van with 2 guys from a yard crew stopped, gave me 2 gal gas, and wouldn't take the $20 I was waving at them.

Thanks everyone

I know the feeling.. I once found in the washroom of a hardware store in northern california a pouch hanging on the door knob inside a toilet cubicle in a large hardware store ... in it beside a wallet with all kind of stuff a 25 caliber pistol was strapped in as well . the little thing was loaded too !! I called the owner after looking at his name and address from all the info found inside asked him if he knew where his gun was at that time realizing the loss the man came to my motel room in a hurry barely acknowledged his loss and to add insult peeled a 20 from the cash fold and handed it to me I TOLD HIM IF A KID HAD FOUND HIS WALLET INSTEAD OF ME he would have been in far deeper s...t told him to stuff his $20 bill, could not believe the callousness of this sod!!
We don’t help others for the expected gratitude, we do it for the gratification of doing a good deed.

We do it for who we are, not who they are.

Let it go, chalk it up to karma and human kindness.

Very true words...