Speak to some lovely sounding lassie on the reception, who puts me through to sales.
Chappie on the phone then asks for my name, and then says, "Ah yes, we finished your bike, and I know it is off the production line, and being shipped as we speak. your bike is going to xyz dealer in London, isnt it...".
When I pick up my jaw off the ground, I ask him how he knew which bike and dealer it was.
"The dealer made sure we knew which bike it was on the line and was pushing for it to be delivered on time for you etc......"
I mean, how many factories do you know of that have your bike named as it is on the line and known by the factory and your dealer at every stage of where it is at!
Come to papa.. pics to follow - I know what I am doing on Saturday then!
I got to know,
in your signature line,
it says matte black, NOT the fastest color.
Where'd you get that bogus information.
Black, any shade, hue, or degree of BLACK,
is WAY faster than any other color.
I got to know,
in your signature line,
it says matte black, NOT the fastest color.
Where'd you get that bogus information.
Black, any shade, hue, or degree of BLACK,
is WAY faster than any other color.
"I think all roadsters have to bake in an oven with that music playing when they are born..."
Ride on Josephine ride on....the rock party's just round the corner..
Good image there cheekygrin, but I think the Roadster is cast , poured molten from a fiery furnace in to a mould - the matt black one looks just like cast iron. With George playing at 130dB just to vibrate the air out of the mould.
And don't be too gentle running it in - you've got to seal those piston rings to the bores in the first 200-300 miles or they never will seal properly I reckon. get it good and hot, say 75 miles, then open it up in bursts to maximise combustion pressure - you need to get the gas forced behind the rings to squeeze them tight against the cylinder walls. And spin the engine up and down the rev range - tolerances are so good these days you don't need to keep the revs low for those first 500m. I don't know what Triumph recommend do you?
I live 90 miles from the dealer, so when I collect mine (matt of course) I'll be going the long way home to put a couple of hundred miles on it, and if the weather's good , do the same the next day or so, back to the dealer for the 500 mile service.
I went to the site Och recommended about breaking in a new engine. The story makes a bit of sense, but has anyone actually done this style of breakin? Would me changing the oil myself before the 500 mile tune up piss off the Triumph mechanics- I would suspect they would know being that I would have to buy a filter from them as I pick up my bike!
Skip, don't try fly'in that line:"Black, any shade, hue, or degree of BLACK,
is WAY faster than any other color."past your wife, that's the first one who is going to call you on it.
Now black with red...now that's a different story...
Have you watched the youtube video on how they build R3's? They probably got to know your bike personally while watching TV shows and chatting with it.