.060 Over
Speak to some lovely sounding lassie on the reception, who puts me through to sales.
Chappie on the phone then asks for my name, and then says, "Ah yes, we finished your bike, and I know it is off the production line, and being shipped as we speak. your bike is going to xyz dealer in London, isnt it...".
When I pick up my jaw off the ground, I ask him how he knew which bike and dealer it was.
"The dealer made sure we knew which bike it was on the line and was pushing for it to be delivered on time for you etc......"
I mean, how many factories do you know of that have your bike named as it is on the line and known by the factory and your dealer at every stage of where it is at!
Come to papa.. pics to follow - I know what I am doing on Saturday then!
Chappie on the phone then asks for my name, and then says, "Ah yes, we finished your bike, and I know it is off the production line, and being shipped as we speak. your bike is going to xyz dealer in London, isnt it...".
When I pick up my jaw off the ground, I ask him how he knew which bike and dealer it was.
"The dealer made sure we knew which bike it was on the line and was pushing for it to be delivered on time for you etc......"