So, are the new ones trouble-free?


.020 Over
Nov 3, 2012
Reading through the common issues etc. Just wondering if most of them have been resolved or if any are still evident on new bikes?

I'm hoping to get my new R3 ordered tomorrow (dealer is phoning Triumph NZ to check availability / colours etc.). I've always been fastidious about maintenance / oil changes etc. as my bike is my daily transport and weekend toy. I have to be able to rely on it.

Had Harleys for years with (almost) zero problems. A quick comparison between my HD and a R3 and I was sold. Still lots of character but great brakes, smooth ride and, oh dear God... the power! Anyway, just hoping it'll be as problem-free.

Welcome onchan I've had my r3 for 3 years and have left it completely standard .i do all my own servicing .i use the bike every day and has only been in the shop for a broken detent spring fixed under warranty the bike has now done 53000 far so good
Nearly all of the problems that the earlier models suffered have been sorted. The problem with owning a Triumph is parts availability if something does go wrong. Unless it's a real commonly required item it's a 6-8 week wait for it to get here from the UK. Owners in the US have the same problems with parts supply. Here in Oz Triumphs are imported by Peter Stevens , not some tin-pot oufit by any means. Don't know if they supply NZ or not ... i own a Speed Triple as well as my Rocket as like you my bike(s) are my sole means of daily transport. Only time i've ever' had to' own two bikes in my life. That being said i love my RIII and wouldn't swap it for anything else... that i've ridden anyway.
bought a 2013 this year May 29 but 6200 mile on it and no prob so far have loved it as was a little worried at first but it seems that most of the issues have been fixed just my two cents worth welcome
Should have added i've done just under 100,000 klms since i bought my RIII in January 2009. Have not been trouble-free klms but they sure have been enjoyable ;)
I'm sorry but I will never understand why people ask this question. :(
It's a machine. machines sometimes have problems. These particular machines are made by one of the oldest and most famous motorcycle companies in the world. If you want something that won't ever break down or give you any problems, buy a rock, not a Rocket (they're more economical too :rolleyes:). Otherwise, take your chances like the rest of us; in all probability you'll enjoy many years of trouble free exhilaration that no other bike can give you.
Bin' riding for 51 years today.. R3 for the last 3 years.. I use my 05 every day, summer, winter, heat, rain, wind, city traffic.. never misses a beat even on relativly long weekend runs 2up.

But like the rest of use you take ya chance... my advice would be if you like to complain about every little thing that besets you with a bike then better not to buy one.

Unfortunately its a bit of a hybrid, unusual, extreemly powerful and on the heavy side during slow running..

On the other hand if you like a challenge and like to be a little different and you can forgive some small annoyances with a smile onya dial :D

Then welcome to the R3owners site... help in on hand 24/7

JM2CW no offense intended
The biggest problem you will have are,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,keeping it at legal speeds,
Your harley buddys
giving you hard time because they are jealous;
Trying to convince that cop that you bought the rocket just for its looks:D
Both my bikes have given me great enjoyment threw the years with only normal wear and tear replacements tires etc. I've got almost 90K on my Roadking and broke a belt when i hit 6K. Like Canberra said you just have to take your chances. Being "fastidious" about maintenance is a big plus..;) The Rocket III Standard i have has been good to me so far knock on wood. I change the oil sooner than most about every 3K, she runs a lot hotter than my RK, The only time i regret buying the Rocket is when it comes time to change the tires, a little pricey.:( By the way your Harley buddies won't know your not a Harley untill their up close, and have already waved at you..:confused::D


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I think this question is asked more now than ever is due to a number of issues. The internet provides access to all sort of info for comparitive studies on maintenance, repair costs, warranty issues,, (who could forget the recent "repair" thread on this site) and simply people do not want to spend large $$$ on a product that is not reliable = leaves them stranded or not using the bike, has high cost to repair and not user servicable if that's your thing.. Triumph is one of the oldest and most respected motorcycle companies, yes but I was more than surprised to learn about that company's design/mechanical problems it has in the R3 and their warranty issues the company has outside of Joly Old England. I checked here in Ont. and the process is similar to that experienced by the gentleman in the "repair" thread. I currently drive a jap bike,,, boulevard and love it,, 90 000 kms "0" issues. Like many of you it is my sole transportation from ground freeze to spring thaw.. From -42* windchill to +105* this thing starts, runs and only gets washed (outside of the 2 or 3 x's I do it) when it rains outside. The bike for me is not a weekend toy, it's family transportation and I need the most dependable product. From all I've read that does not seem to be the R3 at this point... but I'm still hopeful the newer ones become more reliable with the problems fixed so by the time I'm ready to buy one next year or the spring after that I can feel more confident to dump $20000.00 into a bike... until then I'll keep reading....