Smartphone's and the not so smart

Dont get me started on state laws....
Laws do not cover common sense. Anybody who thinks that they can drive and talk or text on a Phone while driving is a idiot. Don't matter if your riding or driving it is just plain stupid. Accident waiting to happen. You require laws to make up for common sense? Boy that says a lot. They got laws against drunk driving which is a good thing. Myself a long time ago figured riding and drinking was just plan stupid. After a few accidents at a very early age kind of figured getting drunk and riding was not a good thing. Gave it up. Not the drinking but the riding while drunk. Common sense dictates that. Same hold true for those that text while driving. It is all the same. Just plain ass stupid. They ain't got a law for being a dumb **** to bad. I believe that just about spells it out in black and white. No Haze grey.
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Of course people are stupid.
So I’m guessing thats why @scot in exile came over here as our farm animal laws are much more lax!
Yes , In Scotland somewhere near Glenrothes, They had to set up the animal walk in crisis centre . Founded by a Dr John Doolittle I believe where the Scottish farm animals could be councilled. Turns out the problem was vast ! Mainly sheep and goats in the new walk in centre , It all came to light when it was noticed an unusual amount of sheep were caught smoking crack cocaine and jumping the queue at the slaughter houses !