About a week and a half ago. Coming home from work (I take the old two lane highway, never any traffic). As I approached a down hill area, I noticed something in my lane. As I got closer it became apparent there was a pick up truck fully in my lane coming at me. Thank goodness I was in my car as I had to go crashing into the ditch at 55 mph. I'm sure it was only seconds but it seemed like a long time I was crashing through the brush. I remember leaning back in the seat so the air bag wouldn't smack me. Thankfully missed all the trees and the the car slid sideways and put the front tires back up near the road right before I would have sideswiped a metal "curve" sign. The ***** in the truck didn't even stop. Fortunately I wasn't stuck, so I chased her ass down. She stopped as soon as she saw me flying up behind her. Quick snapped a picture of her plate in case she took off and called the police. I avoided talking to her because I was so pissed. Turns out she was trying to answer her fugging phone. She got a ticket for careless driving. I told the officer she fled the scene, and based on her account, he agreed, but I guess maybe that would be hard to prove. So my Challenger is still in the body shop. It didn't get bent but the front and right side got scuffed up. If I had been stuck she would have gotten away scot free, and I would have had a single car, at fault accident on my record. Now had I been on the Rocket........