i had to catch the overnight bus back from Tamworth to Brisbane once, trying to get some shuteye and you could hear/feel the liitle bumps, about 3 minutes apart.
@Joesmoe I live in the centre of Canberra and have them living only a few hundred meters away. Just the other day there must have at least 40 of them in one spot. You won't see many in Sydney or Melbourne but you won't have to too far out from the CBD to find them.
Actually this afternoon there was more like 200 of them. This is just the bunch in the middle.
That's my daily commute. Adds interest to the early morning ride to work. I've had quite a few minor bumps, nothing to serious yet. Gave one a swift kick up the backside just the other day.
Great pic @TOMCAT. It just reminded me about how amazing the colour of the water is around Albany. I don't think there will ever be a photo that will do it justice. I have many happy memories from around there.
I wish I could, but it won't be for a while. You are correct about that whole coastline. It is amazing and has the best beaches in Australia, which means of course, the best beaches in the world. I sailed the Leewin II from Esperence to Albany, and have also driven the area a few times. That was all back in the '90s. I hope it hasn't changed too much since then.