Unfortunately for the last year or so and for the foreseeable future I am unable to plan or commit to anything with any degree of certainty.
I do however really want to get together with you all again, there are so many of you I've only met once, others never at all. Hopefully 2018 will be the year!
If not I will continue to be as annoying as I can from a distance
not much in alb. santa fe be better short but nice ride up to raton/toas/west to the memorial chama/dulce/vallecito lake/pagosa/durango/silverton/ouray/telluride just one option.Like I said aint got to be an raa come on over anytime I will be there for you (if on days off)good bad or in between
check out the maps,best bike rides in N.M. rand mcnally let me know what,when and who i will be there.lay over at my place aint much but someplace to kick back and relaxe instead of motel
check out the maps,best bike rides in N.M. rand mcnally let me know what,when and who i will be there.lay over at my place aint much but someplace to kick back and relaxe instead of motel
Yeah! We can congregate at your place, enjoy the Breeze, and wonder off from there. It might not be Gap hairpins but nice windy roads with spectacular views. Once in Durango going north towards Silverton it gets interesting. It's off ski season so it is affordable.