Skip Maggie in 2018.

Well you were not ignored. The reason I believe they are in the south east for the most part is because that's where the members reside that usually plan these things. If y'all want to do it over that way then get out and scout for places to stay that accommodate a bunch of people together and scout some riding roads.. Also ya gotta find places to eat that can handle a bunch of people and bike parking.
Here is Tejas there are 675,580 lane miles.
Not many curves or awesome scenery.
Takes a day of riding to get out of the state!
Limited vacation days. So I have to balance my rides with were the wife wants to go.

Fine y'all, Texas, Amarillo. That's West.
Unfortunately for the last year or so and for the foreseeable future I am unable to plan or commit to anything with any degree of certainty.

I do however really want to get together with you all again, there are so many of you I've only met once, others never at all. Hopefully 2018 will be the year!

If not I will continue to be as annoying as I can from a distance