Size comparison R3 V R3R

Hey! unscrew and toss those feelers!
The pegs are already chamfered!
I do not like that exhaust - looks too big and too clunky to me.
I Would prefer a nice clean standard looking header system.
I like the look of the new Rocket a lot and it looks great quality but I am confused as to who it's made for . Is it for a solo rider who wants to roam the roads on his own with friends on their bikes or is it for rider and pillion to tour around the countryside and with friends and their partners ? If its the latter I can't see that this will be possible with such a small pillion seat for long distances . I would much prefer to do this on my 2014 roadster .

What's this??? Did you take one of the new Rockets out for a ride and not post any pics???

It didn't happen......

What about a ride report... How does it compare to the older model in acceleration, handling, braking etc etc.

Edit - OK, I just read your other post. Thanks for the write up Tal.
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Haven't followed all these threads, but isn't it likely they will do as they did after the initial release and follow with a Touring version in a few years? Seems that would answer everyone's concerns about hauling around the missus and all your assorted gear.
I agree GPMAZ but to me would have made more sense releasing one at the same time as you would be losing a fair few customers who would be wanting to buy a touring bike .
The old R3 was for both and to me seemed to satisfy everyone except for the fact that it is a bit weighty at times .
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Is that a Daytona on the left? I think I recognize the color.