I just ordered the Stebel horn, Signal Minder and the pathBlazer headlight modulators. I want to be seen and heard! I intend to take lots of pictures when I install and I'll post them.
They have improved the SignalMinder flash times (it reportedly stayed on too long on the original models), it also converts the turn signals into running lights for more visibility, in addition to hazard and escort mode. If you attach the brake wire you also get brake light pulsation and brake light delay, so the turn signal canceler doesn't start counting down until you release the brakes at long lights/intersections. For all of those features, I think it's a bargain.
The pathBlazers are straight plug-ins with the exception of finding a way to route the daylight sensor so they don't pulsate at night. I've heard some people have drilled a hole in the housing while others have been able to fish the sensor out of the stock wire hole in the headlight.