Those of you who have installed a sidecar to your rocket, did you change the triple trees for less trail? I've mounted a Champion Escort to my Rocket and find the steering extremely stiff! I have located a set of 5 degree raked trees that will reduce the trail from the 5.8" of a stock bike to about 3.5" Anyone done this and did it help much? Before I shell out $1200 for the custom trees I would like to know if it is worth the cost. Thanks....
Hmm, don't know about rockets, but I put a side car on my r65, left everything stock, it rides straight and true, but takes a little muscling around the corners. Is that what you're after, easier steering?
The issue is not with fitting or mounting the sidecar, it is "how to remove the top shock mount" to be able to install the clevis bolt. The mount appears to be welded on.