Side Panel - Left - Lost

I drilled a hole through the post on the back side and used two zip ties linked together to secure the side panels. The two together give me enough room to remove the panel and lay it on the passenger footboard if needed. If I want to take it off I just cut one of the zip ties, I carry a few extra in my pannier*.

* A pannier is a basket, bag, box, or similar container, carried in pairs either slung over the back of a beast of burden,or attached to the sides of a bicycle or motorcycle. The term derives from the Old French, from Classical Latin, word for bread basket

Yep I am a burden, the R3 is a beast so it fits!!!

Sounds like something I'd wrote since that is what I did... still have both my side panels, and they're still loosely ziptied to the frame. And the grommets are secured with big gobs of clear silicone. So far so good on keeping the panels.

If you want to increase the tackiness of the grommet and help keep the panel from coming off, try some Gorilla Snot on the pins and grommets. Pretty tacky stuff used by guitar player to help hang on to their picks. It resists being water soluble so it won't be affected by rain. Most music stores carry it. Give it a try.