Shout out to Tony Guymer of Motorcycle Cruise Controls


May 12, 2016
Salt Lake City, Utah
2014 R3T
I have installed the MCCruise Cruise control on my 2014 R3T. I have been using it for almost a year and it has been absolutely flawless in operation. About two and a half weeks ago I was using it on the interstate and it would not hold speed at 80 mph. It would at 70 or 75 mph but not 80. Then about a week later it would not hold speed at all. I went through the trouble shooting guide and the diagnostic process gave a "stop code" of 7. The diagnostic code said: "Clutch signal detected Hi-Lo input 7 Clutch/neutral/sidestand switch/wiring fault". I checked the connections in the headlight bucket, where the clutch switch for the cruise control ties into the bike's system, and they were fine. I decided to send MCCruise an email with the information and asked what else I needed to do/check.

To my surprise I got a call from Tony Guymer, one of the two owners of Motorcycle Cruise Control. For those who do not know, he is in Australia and I am in Florida! He had me go out to the bike and spent almost 30 minutes having me go through different steps to diagnose and fix the problem. He also had me confirm that the fix was set in the system before we hung up!

I tried the cruise control the next day it was back to being flawless. It held at all speeds at which I tried it including 80 mph.

I know that I would not have been able to have figured this out on my own. If any of you are wondering if you can trust buying something that is sold half-way around the world, I can most assuredly tell you can! What OUTSTANDING customer service!
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It is great when you are able to work with such a top notch company.
Thanks for the feedback. Its good to know when a company provides good service after the sale.
I agre 110% with the service from MC Cruise, I am not that bright but when I was installing mine they answered any question Input to them. When fully installed it worked 100% as it should and been faultless ever since.
Thanks @PaddyO for mentioning this. I appreciate any positive feedback on any of our support products for the R3. I have wanted the MC Cruise for the last 62K miles but the price is high. I am happy ton know they stand firmly behind their product! I may yet buy one...
Search on here for when they do their annual sale. It just so happened that it was going on when I bought mine.