Shout out to all captains who might help archive @hanso tunes

Ok, I've created primary category with three sub-categories:
  • Rocket III Tunes
    • TuneBoy
    • TuneECU
    • DynoJet Power Commander
The system currently supports zip and pdf resource uploads. I'm willing to expand this if necessary, but need to get some experience on this first.

I need someone to try the system and upload a Tune. I didn't want to create more categories, that would be empty for a while, but I do need feedback on the additional data fields that should be added (such as Model Type and/or Model Year).

All new resources uploaded will create a new discussion thread in the Rocket III Resources Forum.

Don't be too concerned about doing something wrong. I can remove anything. Just don't do more than 1 or 2 uploads until we've settled on features/layout.

You need to allow the file extensions of the maps.

The ECU (at least when I use TuneECU) uses map files with the extsion .hex, for example.
Just click on "Resources" on the top menu bar, you should see a red button where one normally creates a new thread.
Well, I'm wondering if your enabling dot hex file types has promulgated ?

When I click on upload, the only files showing are PDF, except one dot zip file.
I cleared the caches, which appears to have helped.

Do I need to add any other input fields, such a model type or year, or is it good the way it is now?