The lady and I are going to head out on our first "long distance" trip in a couple of weeks, and I was wondering what setting would provide the most comfortable ride. I weigh 210 lbs and the wife is 105 lbs. We'll have a couple of small saddlebags, which won't amount to anything over 20 lbs.
I have always ridden on the stiffest setting, and it hasn't bothered me. But, I have a feeling the wife's kidneys will disagree with that.
Use setting 3, and and you wil find that the Rocket will be very stable - more so than you alone on setting 1. The manual recommends 3, and it was extensively tested by the factory and is the best answer.
Use setting 3, and and you wil find that the Rocket will be very stable - more so than you alone on setting 1. The manual recommends 3, and it was extensively tested by the factory and is the best answer.
I concur . . . I set mine on 3 and it seems to have become more stable. It was on 1 from the factory and I weight about 270 this week and my pillon rider (my 16-year-old daughter) weighs about 130. My wife rides her own scooter.
Eventually I'll upgrade the shocks myself to Progressives, but for now it'll have to do.
I noticed on 1 it was real bouncy on corners and uneven pavement, it seems to have settled a little since going to 3 especially on the initial rebound from road bumps, doesn't seem to want jump up so high off the road.
You guys better be careful...if your wives/girlfriends/daughters find out you're telling the whole freaking world how much they weigh, :shock: you won't have to worry about riding 2 up, or riding 1 up for that matter. Now, go buy them some chocolate. 8)
Well fellas I'm buggered if I know. I took some advice and gave the standard shocks a go. I just got back from a 3 day ride, first decent run since buying it. Mainly back roads the same sort as I would normally ride. My backs killing me. I tried all the settings and I suppose 2-3 were a bit better but still crap. This my first cruiser and guessed this must be normal. Thank Christ it's not. I swapped with my mate who just bought a Yamaha V Star for a couple of hundred Klm's it floated over most of the smaller bumps compared to mine. Got a set of Progressives coming hopefully that's the answer cause I love the rest of the bike.