Hi, new to this site and hoping to find some guidance.
I own a 2013 rocket 3 roadster. My dad bought it new and I have since bought it from him 2 years ago.
The bike has been flawless, never had a issue. Its just hit 21K
When shifting from 4th to 5th it would sometimes miss. It felt like it was in and I would throttle on but it was not in 4th nor 5th and would sometimes grind a little.
Recently when in 3rd 4th and 5th when i throttle on (not hard) it will jump down a gear and in doing so naturally surge forward!! I do also have a little trouble finding neutral. The gears themselves move nice. No clunking or alarming noises but when power is applied in those gears it will jump down the box!
I have stripped the front cover off and also removed my clutch. Unfortunately the detent spring is still intact which I was hoping was the issue.
The bike has been regularly serviced including a dealer 20K service. Missing 5th gear and having a little trouble with neutral has been for a while now but the jumping down of gears has been very recent.
Any ideas what this could be? Very much appreciate any help.