Selling my 2020 Rocket 3 GT.


Oct 17, 2016
2020 GT
Well I guess it's about time to sell the scoot. Of course I will be getting a newer Rocket but here is the issue. I have no idea how much to ask for the GT because I have a ton of miles on it and I cant find any for sale with the miles mine has on it so I dont know what to price the thing at. If anyone has seen one with siimilar miles for sale in your area I would appreciate knowing what those folks are asking for theirs. Or if anyone thinks what a fair price would be that would be interesting. Everything works perfect the motor is strong.. 82,000 miles by the way. I really do not have room in the garage to keep it as a backup.
Amazing that you put that many miles on it. If I had to put a number on it, I'd say in the 6-9k range. You are way up there in miles and likely has many more left in it, but the risk is pretty high for a new owner. Having the complete service history might be some consolation. GLWS!
Yea it's a risk for the buyer. I just changed the plugs and all 6 had perfect burns so that's a good sign. But noting I could show to a buyer, threw them away, lol.
In line with that dealer offer, I’d say list for $9k-$12k and feel the market depending on types of response and length of time. You’re past the initial rush for this riding season, but the market is so subjective and fickle. It should still be able to price it in that range and then leaves you with negotiation room if it sits too long. These are really good bikes with a lot of life in them so I believe that it’s worth it in that range.
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One dealer said $8000
Well, you at least know the floor. Are there any other offers, or was that the only one or the best one?

I personally would be inclined to take that and run (before they changed their mind), and if there is a sales tax benefit on the trade, you would be slightly better off. A 2021 GT with about 3.5k miles is listed in my area with panniers and the luggage rack, and they are asking upper 13's for.

I thought about picking up it up for my son and they were negotiable on their price. I picked up my 2022 R for about that price with less than 1k miles on it about 2 months ago. I personally think the dealer overbid your bike.
Wow that’s a bunch of miles, I bow. It is great to see one of the 2.5 bikes going that long with good reliability. If it was me I’d ask 10k and see if it moves.
Very impressive on the miles you have put, my car doesnt have that much miles on it since 10 years
I agree on the 6-9k price, I saw a 21 GT with 14k miles listed for 12k and showed it to my friend who said he don't want to pay more than 10k for it ane even that is more he was saying.

My personal take is to take the dealer offer. GLWS.
there is a 2022 black GT at one of the Harley dealerships up here with 612 Km on it and they want about $22,000 for it, i think the original owner scared the crap out of themselves and decided to trade for a Harley that was controllable, or they just couldn't handle the awesome factor