Seeing spots! (on my engine block and plastic)


.020 Over
Oct 19, 2009
Bentonville, AR
Have noticed some spots on my engine block and on black plastic around bike, that doesnt seem to want to come off. My R3 is garaged, but I live in a town that has cement plants. Thought at first they might be lime deposits from puddles around town. However, they could have come from highway miles also.
I know it is not paint, or anything like that.

Have tried vinegar, some other household products. Have tried hand wash with soft brush, and even took her to the car wash. When it dries the spots come back. Was wondering if anyone else has encountered these and what they have used to clean and prevent future spots?

Thanks, REV

You didn't say what color etc. or what size of spots. I got hit with something that looked like tiny white paint spots on the plastic parts...some very very very tiny spots that were actually little circles around a black center. Nothing would take them off...not cleaners or waxes or anything I tried. Then I "nudged"one very carefully with my fingernal...Ho-La! it moved!!! I tried another with the same result...there were like hundreds of them all over but mostly on one side of the turned out to be salt deposits from salt water spray. I actually found out what they were when I accidentally spilled some salt on a picnic table at a campsite a few weeks later. In the morning, after the rain, I saw the same exact pattern that was showing up on the bike. ...weird I know.

Note here...anything more abrasive than my fingernail would scratch the paint! I ended up moving each "dot" with my fingernail then picking it up with a damp cloth immediately after moving it. The only thing I could figure was there was some type of chemical bonding between the wax I had on the bike and the salt spay in the air.

You're in Kansas...I was near the ocean...not sure it's the same thing but I"m thinking they may have salted the roads where your are...anyway...that's my story...good luck.

Rev, try this and see if it works.
Use toothpaste and an old toothbrush, rub some spots for a minute wipe it and see if it comes off.
Not saying it will work, just try it and let us know .
The spots varry in size and shape. Not paint or anything like that. It looks like dust, type spots, or maybe water deposits, calcium, or something like that. I was in Branson and noticed them after riding in the rain. They are greyish white on my black block and black plastic. Will try toothpaste, is there any certain flavor I should use? LOL! Thanks for the input!
I found some whitish gray spots on my bike a while back, turned out to be spider poop from golden orb spiders in the rafters. I scraped them off with my fingernails because they would not wipe off with a rag.