Secondary TPS Fault 2005 Rocket


Apr 22, 2006
Cleveland, SC
Rocket III
I get the ole engine light fault and discover a bad secondary tps circuit fault. On testing it will show 0 to 3.8K ohms then open circuit from there. Local Triumph dealer business has been sold a couple of times and now I get a "don't have that part" with no further discussion. Others dealers are hours away from me, four plus. Just checking to see if anyone has come up with another source.
Will do. Thanks! lot of great reviews for ordering online too.

Get the whole TB's for $150, price of the se tps

"Throttles,Injectors & Fuel Rail. Triumph Rocket III | HERMYS TRIUMPH eSTORE, Port Clinton PA" Throttles,Injectors & Fuel Rail. Triumph Rocket III | HERMYS TRIUMPH eSTORE, Port Clinton PA

I bought one there just in case anything goes discontinued a New TB complete is like$2100. Already #30 , #31 injector clip and #34 fuel rail grommet is unavailable in the diagram, I don't know if that's everywhere. Gl

Cheaper at adeptpowersports $109

Did you try taking it off and spraying contact cleaner behind it and move it back and forth?? I did that with my primary TPS couldn't get it adjusted right.
I bought all the sensors I could get cheap, I think I have them all, from ebay and pinwall. Just hopefully they are good
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