I get the ole engine light fault and discover a bad secondary tps circuit fault. On testing it will show 0 to 3.8K ohms then open circuit from there. Local Triumph dealer business has been sold a couple of times and now I get a "don't have that part" with no further discussion. Others dealers are hours away from me, four plus. Just checking to see if anyone has come up with another source.
I bought one there just in case anything goes discontinued a New TB complete is like$2100. Already #30 , #31 injector clip and #34 fuel rail grommet is unavailable in the diagram, I don't know if that's everywhere. Gl
Original Triumph Rocket III, Classic & Roadster Parts. Search Throttles,injectors & Fuel Rail parts using manufacturer microfiche assembly diagrams.
Did you try taking it off and spraying contact cleaner behind it and move it back and forth?? I did that with my primary TPS couldn't get it adjusted right.
I bought all the sensors I could get cheap, I think I have them all, from ebay and pinwall. Just hopefully they are good