Seat removal


Dec 28, 2009
Perth Western Australia
2008 Trimuph Rocket
Two questions.
How do you remove the seat. I have the one piece type with the wider pillion seat.
I have found the keyhole and it turns and unlocks but the seat will not come off.
The ex owner mentioned something about a "ring" that you put your finger in. :shock:
However I cannot find this ring. :?

Is there somewhere I can download or view an owners instruction manual?
1) try pushing down on the seat behind where your back would be,
while you turn the key in the side cover with the other hand.
if just pushing down don't work,
try wiggleing it around while you have the key turned.
2) find a post by Bishop.
look at his signature line.
There's a service manual there free for you to use.
Yes there is a ring you pull . if you have a look round under the seat you will see it.
the ring is on the other side from the key, just under the pillion seat, it can be a bit akward getting it off and on.
Your seat likely uses the dual post attachment. The cable/ring is under the pillion left side and attaches to a locking bar and spring. Pulling the ring will open the locking bar, however the seat may have settled which will require you to jostle the pillion a bit to release it. Before you re-install it I recommend you put some grease on the post so it has a little lube for removal next time. Position the front on the post and lock it down first when installing and then position the rear and lock it down. There's enough flex in the seat pan to accomodate this.
I don't remember the solo seat having a pull-ring, but the touring gel seat definitely does have a pull-ring and two mounting points. The seats fit very tightly and do require some downward pressure while holding the key in the "open" position.