Seat question.

Akita Man

.040 Over
Feb 14, 2008
Delafield, WI
Just took delivery of my R3 std on Friday. I did Jardines and Fly Screen right is this bike a blast to ride. I've test rode them before but extended rides really highlight the abilities of this bike. I was going to buy a 09 Vmax...glad I did not. At 6'4" the Rocket fits like a glove...

One minor change I'd like to make however...the stock curves upward at the rear prior to meeting with the passanger seat (hits my tail bone) ...I'd like to push this upward curve back about an inch...or less of a curve.

Has anyone had a stock seat rescuplted/shaved or repadded.

Since I plan to maintain the underseat air filter...aftermarket seat pans probably do not have the intake vents the stocker does... Any recommnedations?

Also has anyone toyed with attaching a backrest to the stock passenger seat? I wonder if there is a safe durable way of doing this. I like the ability to quickly switch to the solo seat look.

I also have the Utopia back rest. It's just plain great. You can swap to a solo look-it's only 3 bolts and should take you 5 min. tops. Not "quick" but also not hard at all.
If you thought about an aftermarket seat at all ... I'm 6'2" and went with Corbins Young Guns Saddle and Rivco risers for the bars. That made a HUGE difference in comfort and riding position. The seat looks just like the one at the top of the website in the NewR3.COM ad.
I took the cover off the back of the stock seat and cut an area out to relieve pressure on my tailbone. It was really easy, Then I just stapled the cover back on. You can see a slight dent there but hard to notice. Made a huge difference. Then I bought a Freedom Air Seat cushion from Star Cushion Products with a couple of the air pockets removed under the tailbone. The combination is not really comfortable but I can ride all day and have no tailbone pain. The only mistalke I made was not buying the larger cushion. I have a condition called Coccygodynia. Long word for arthritis in the tailbone. This completley fixed the problem. No pain!!
That's what I told the doctor! I always prided myself as an iron butt. Got on the bike this spring and couldn't do 100 miles without pain.'s true. Look it up. It's a real word and condition.
I have solved the problem. Just can't put a lot of pressure on the tailbone.
It's my life.....I'm stuck with it. Stiff in all the wrong places!!!
..One minor change I'd like to make however...the stock curves upward at the rear prior to meeting with the passanger seat (hits my tail bone) ...I'd like to push this upward curve back about an inch...or less of a curve...Thanks.
Scotty is right about preserving that up swept section.
A back rest on a stock seat? Does the "stock seat" have provision for a integral back rest. I believe the upgrade OEM seat does.

I've tried 1/2" gel pad and ceramic beads. Im now saving my egg money for something soft and supple to cushion my tired ass; and it won't be a Corbin.
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