seat question

Glad you got it sorted mate.... But ***n Perth????? Lazy mother***rs on the east coast!!!! Just embarrassing man....
Look forward to the pics when you get it mate.

Hey, at least one east coast dealer offered to help, and most likely a discount. Postage would have been less too.

You can lead a horse to water………...
JCS are good mate, been in the same spot for years and always been a Triumph dealer. They gave me a good deal on a rear tyre a few weeks back. $100 cheaper than the dealer in Rochingham.
Hope it works out for you I use them seats and liked them until I sat on Speedy's Classic that he adapted the wide R3T seat to Now I think mine are junk and want to go the the touring route or splurge for a day long saddle.

Ya must be joking???
That little cracker-ass of yours wouldn't know if was on a steel tractor seat!
I would challenge the classic seat being the best option. My wife rode the standard roadster seat, the classic seat and a Corbin Dual Tour. Corbin wins hands down...but they are definitely more expensive than $165 AUD
I would challenge the classic seat being the best option. My wife rode the standard roadster seat, the classic seat and a Corbin Dual Tour. Corbin wins hands down...but they are definitely more expensive than $165 AUD

Corbin seems to be one of those seats folks either love or hate.
Opinions mostly do not fall in between. It is a hard seat, but if it fits your butt, it works well.

On my Roadster, so fat the stock seat is working good enough. Last year I added beads and they seem to improve the comfort to me somewhat.

I've a friend who rides a Rat Vulcan 2000 with a steel tractor seat. It fits his butt and he can easily do 500+ mile days. Go figure . . .
I would challenge the classic seat being the best option. My wife rode the standard roadster seat, the classic seat and a Corbin Dual Tour. Corbin wins hands down...but they are definitely more expensive than $165 AUD
Yep i bet the corbin is nice, for me buying the dual Seat is a way to get a good pillion seat, most probably put the stock rider seat on if not carrying a passenger. I find the stock rider seat really good butt must be Corbin shaped cuz I have them on both of my Rockets. Huh...never knew I had a Corbin shaped butt...go figure
The seat arrived yesterday, must be the bargain of the century I thought as i looked at its beautiful new leather! Came nicely packaged in original Triumph packaging and took about 5 minutes to screw the bracket on then just clicked into place..ripper! Got the missuz out in the shed to have a trial sit on it and she said it felt really good, i noticed there is heaps of room with the two of us on there so should be a good bike for 2up riding. Next test will be how the rear shocks cope when i hit one of the big bumps in the road around here, if there is screaming from behind/ spinal injuries I could be in the market for a bmw. Anyway thanks for the help and advice and offers of help you guys