Seat (No not that question)


Nov 9, 2008
Ontario, Canada
2007 Rocket III Classic
I bought my R3 Classic used so not sure what I have. I'm looking at the Corbin web site and it shows a "Solo" seat that "will also mount in conjunction with your stock passenger seat". Here's my confusion, my seat is all-in-one and as such the passenger seat is not separate. Does this mean I have some kind of after market seat?



I am pretty sure all models are the same mountings my R3 std was 2 seperate units and I fitted a duel seat and the new mount hardware bolted staight in.. unless the Classic has a longer frame should all be the same mountings..

From your picture/avatar, it appears that you have a Classic model. The Classic came with a one-piece saddle whereas the Standard and Roadster models come with the two-piece seat.

The Standard/Classic/Roadster models all share the same mounting points and all seats are interchangeable.

The R3 Touring model has the longer frame and thus does not share the same seat options as the other 3.

If you want just a solo seat and no passenger accommodation, then the Corbin model that you are looking at should work. If you want to continue to have a passenger seat, just be aware that the pillion seat that comes with the Standard/Roadster models is extremely uncomfortable. I would not recommend it.

An alternative that has worked well on my brother's Rocket is the Butty Buddy (Motorcycle Seats by ButtyBuddy - Better than Motorcycle Seat Pads it's a ButtyBuddy).
You're right tdragger, it is a Classic model. I will need to have a passenger seat for sure so maybe this will be an issue. I was looking at the Dual Tour seat at Corbin, is this the pillion you say is uncomfortable?


Not the Corbin. The stock Triumph pillion seat on the Standard and Roadster is garbage. You might as well mount a razor blade back there.

Now, I took a different approach. I had bought the Triumph seat much like your Classic seat. It still didn't work well enough for me so I sent it out to Rick Mayer Custom Seats and he fixed it up for me and the pillion. I'll have to post a pic in a little while. I can't reach photobucket while at work.
Bought my R3 standard new in 2006, came w/ a 2piece driver/pillion seat. Changed mine out for the Classic seat for the ole'lady's comfort, standard pillion was like a rock and tough on the bumps. Dagger is correct, your pic shows a classic seat. The seats and mount point for Classic/Standard seats are the same and are interchangable. The only problem going from standard to classic is that the rear seat mounting plate should be changed as well. Although the mounting plates between the classic & standard are the same, the classic also has a locking pin swaged into the plate to lock the rear half of the seat down when installed on the bike.
You're right tdragger, it is a Classic model. I will need to have a passenger seat for sure so maybe this will be an issue. I was looking at the Dual Tour seat at Corbin, is this the pillion you say is uncomfortable?



I've had the Corbin dual tour with the rider back rest for 8 years. The backrest is great but the seat is quite hard.

I get what you were saying now. I actually didn't think of the Corbin/Stock combo but that's good to know.

I had the seat on my VTX modified and while it was way better than stock, it still was not great for long distances.

I had an Ultimate on my 1300VTX which was really comfortable but, IMHO, butt (excuse the pun) ugly.

