Seat Cushion Alternative

Already Done

Too Late..... the seat's sitting in Palm City, Florida @ Spencer's. I couldn't pass up the chance to try his creation. The only other thing I might do is Alaska Leather's products. I'll wait and see how the seat turns out.

H3K..... Too late again. I got something almost like those pink ones but they come with a built in pad in the front. Isn't technology and creativity just a " Hoot " ?

As the great philosopher, Willie Nelson once said, " I'm old enough to have outlived my penis" !
Dang that is old Pianoman, but I'm not too far behind, I got a brand new Alaska Leather sheepskin butt pad but it's been so cool here I haven't used it yet. I have a feeling that's going to change real quick. I washed it, it rained. I'm sure you get the picture.
Spencer Seat Update

Well, the remodeled OEM seat returned home yesterday. It arrived at Spencer's, was altered and returned to me in exactly 1 week. Talk about quick turn around service!

He uses the original seat and refits it with a proprietary foam. In addition, he lowered the seat and now if feels like a million dollars. I've only had it on short jaunts around town and I was told it would take about 2 tank fulls to get the seat completely broken in and supposedly even better than now.

I'd suggest anyone who's looking for an inexpensive way to make those long journeys more palletable.... this would be the way to go. $75 plus shipping turned out to be well worth it! Thanks K O Fleece for the heads up.
I shot Spence an Email Sunday and he replied yesterday. I think I will go with him. I was considering the Russell seat but this guy is closer and WAY cheaper.
Thanks for the input on Spence's seat job PM.

Now that you have had this seat for a little while and have had some time to get more miles on it, what's the verdict? Do you think it was money well spent?

John...... I've put several hundred miles on the new seat and for me it's much better than the OEM seat. I think the real secret is when he lowered the seat. It took the front/back ridge out of the middle and let me put my big ARSE over the entire seat equally.

I'm sure the Russell Day-Long seat is the best one out there but it's 9 times what I paid for this one. On a scale of 1-10 ....... I'd give it a rating of 8.
I'm pleased it worked out for you as well as it did for me. I also had the pillion done for my bride-she is quite pleased also.

Try allen at Fat Asp seats. He took mine apart, recut the foam, added some in the right places and recovered in Ostrich (fake) for $350 and that was tax and all. He is a nice guy and does great work. Google Fat Asp seats Ozark Missouri and you can find him.



The guy does good work and pretty cheap. I have never ridden on a day long, but I have had tons or Mustang and Corbin seats and have found this to be more comfortable and cheaper.

I do not work for the guy or get any money for plugging his shop. I am just a satisfied customer.