Seat Cushion Alternative

I have one similar to those, and I wasn't real happy with it. Because of the seat pan contours, the pad didn't lay quite right in the ****** and I always had issues with it making me more uncomfortable by reducing the circulation in my legs.

I'd be more than happy to send you what I have to try out before you invest in one.
You can likely find a local shop that can customize your seat for you for a reasonable cost.

Another option is to do it yourself. It is fairly easy to remove the stock upholstery, and rebuilding the seat with better materials. Kemmler makes a padding called Air2Gel that is great - is even is sold in smaller sizes (12x18 inches or 15x18 inches) perfect for bike seats.

I hope this helps.
Cycling shorts under your jeans/leathers, they've got gel inserts sewn into them and stop your jeans sticking to you when it's hot :cool:
Here you go PM. A lot cheaper than a reconstructed seat:
And not nearly as restrictive as cycling shorts.

Seriously though, your local Wally World may have a mock flex gel pad, similar to that used by Spencer, in a very durable covering with carrying handle for $18. WW's flex gel pad isn't "med" blue.
The bottom is non slip and the top is mess fabric. Just right for a beaming individual such as yourself. I got one for the better half's bony butt. It's a bit broad for the pillion seat.

And now that I've found I'll have to get a matching set of his and her's. I trust they carry wide-load widths. I see they have "nude" and extra padding. Now we're talking; I'm not partial to hot pink.
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