Seat choice for R3C

If you would have said "manties"....probably not so much.


19 dtg Dubai
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Remember that well Rocky you were one hot guy that day.
That "shorty" guy on the Harley was pretty "hot" the next day as his helmet got stolen from Hooters and that was after he traded in his HD for a Rocket. But we did have a good run towards Memphis later on that night to a Walmart to buy himself another one....Good times. Glad the cops didn't catch him when we were riding back from Hooters to the hotel, he was in the middle without a helmet and we wuz hoping he wouldn't be noticed, great distraction, huh Dave?


19 dtg Dubai
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You guys must have tender butts......

I have no problems with my Classic touring seat. I can doo 500 mile days with the addition of some Monkey Butt powder and my wif'e panties.

I just know I'm gonna take flak for that...again.

Thats 'cause you have no butt . . . what do you weigh . . like 120?
Thats 'cause you have no butt . . . what do you weigh . . like 120?

Smart ass. You are right, I have no butt to speak of. I wore it off years ago driving trucks and farm tractors. However, I weight a bit more than 120. About 80 pounds more.

I still think the R3Classic seat is very comfortable and I've had lots of bikes and lots of seats. Must just fit my lack-of-butt just right.
Remember, I took flak in Nashville for the panties.....

I should have bought that Duce and shipped it home. That was a good time, especially the ride to Hooters with you leading the kamakazie procession down the freeway. me in the back, one time going 60 and then going 120 to keep up.

That was quite a ride in the least.

I still miss Ray Braswell. What a character. Pianoman too.

Sucking down Bush Lite's at the Taliban 8.

Almost forgot Scott and his camera taking those ride pictures.
Yeah, sorry about the 120 (or whatever it was) all I did was open it up to get in an opening (and give you all room to get in that opening as well) thing I know I looked at the speedo....Holy Crap(!) and slowed it down some, I heard your Harley friends weren't too happy with me for awhile, imagine "Little Joe" wasn't too thrilled either, maybe that's why he traded his HD for a Rocket the next day.


18 dtg Dubai
19 dtg Home
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Potato bikes aren't meant to do that stuff, especially older potato bikes with 65 plus year old riders. That's okay. We all made it and other than the pilfered helmet, had a great time.

Ed told me later that he had the FLH on the throttle stop and thought we were going to go outta sight.......That's what you get riding a lawnmower.

I still should have bought that Duce.

Be safe over there and get back stateside soon.
I have the Long Haul Touring seat with the backrest. I have to say, for the money, it's a bit of a disappointment. I had a seat made by Ultimate out of Canada on my last bike. I could ride for hours before needing a break. Now, I can go about 75-100 miles and I have to get off and stretch. It's the padding so much as the shape and angle of the saddle. I'm going to have to save my money up for a Russell Day Long. Comfort is too important to compromise.
Funny thing, I just got an email from the owner of Ultimate Seat, out of Canada. I had their seats on my last bike. IMO nicer than Mustang, Corbin, etc.

They are planning a set of seat options for the Rocket III, due out sometime next year. Very cool.