Seat choice for R3C


.020 Over
Jun 10, 2009
Aurora CO
I am debating about what seat to invest in, right now i have the Triumph Rocket III Touring Gel Seat - Dual, A9701141 but it's not comfortable, even worse for the passenger, i have been thinking about 3 choices but not sure which one to decide on, the first choice and the least expensive would be the Triumph Rocket III Classic Touring Seat, A9708164, anyone has any experience with that one? is it comfortable? the other choice would be the Corbin seat dual and lastly would be the Russel seat, anyone has a suggestion like i said i am leaning on the touring seat from triumph.
thanks for any info

I rode with the touring seat . . It sucked. I sent it off to Russel, they did their magic and now . . best seat I have ever had the pleasure of parking my backside on. Better than ANY other seat I have had on any bike.
I have the Corbin touring seat and I've always liked and used Corbin seats. However, with that said I do not like the way they mount to the Rocket III. I have beetle bags and had to buy thumb screws to make the mount easier to remove the seat. The seat deletes the use of the key and mounts with a bracket that mounts across the rear fender, then mounts with two hex screws to hold the seat secure to the frame. Those are the screws I modified, (thanks to another members suggestion), with thumb screws. You can also remove the original seat attachment and place it on the Corbin seat if you so desire. A lot of people find the Corbin seat hard, however I don't and like the way it molds to your butt. I've ridden many long rides and three iron butt rides with Corbin seats.

Native One
If your bike has the stock seat on it shouldn't it be the Classic seat minus the backrest and not the gel seat?
The Classic Seat is NOT going to make you happy! I've spent several dollars to make it more comfy with n0 improvement (gel pad, ceramic beaded pad, more fat in the ass) all to no advantage. I'm seriously considering a Russel Day-long for not twice the price of a new OEM Classic seat. If you need a classic seat to try out, I'll let you have my extra for no more or less than I got it for. 1/2 Dealer price...PM me is desired. I was going to have a business in S. Florida put some custom gel into the extra Classic seat I'd gotten. But I recall the effects of a gel layer (1/2" gel with psuedo sheep skin covered pad), under my arse.; it was a magnet for engine heat Several of us were heading from Birmingham to Nashville for RAAII. We weren't 100 miles down the road on 07.06.07 under cloudy skies and my cods were on fire. **** gel pad either soaked up the engine heat, or I was in a very big hurry to get to Smashville. Scot and Dennis will surely recall. I was on fire when we stopped, to chuck that gel pad aside. And who was that shorty on the hardley-ableson?

I will say though, for the good side of gel pads: You put it in the freezer for 30 minutes it'll be a blessing for quite a while on a hot day. But not too cold less you relish hemi-roids. In the dead of winter I lay it on the electric oil space heater for 30 minutes and it's good for 28 F degrees ride for nearly an hour. It depends on how much fluff is overhanging the pad. 28F degrees is my personal three beers
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Day-Long seats

I agree with the others about the Triumph seat. I got a Classic seat for my base model soon after purchase for the passenger.

I finally broke down and sent the stock pan to Russell for a Day-Long mod. It is wonderful for both me and my passenger .... so much so that now that my ass doesn't hurt I notice that my helmet is too small and that my hands start to go hurt after a couple of hours. If it weren't for the fact that I have to stop every hour and a half to pee I might not be able to ride at all )
I agree...)
I want some of what you got

Did u know the World Health Organ (WHO) is too cloe to calling a level 6 worldwide pandemic influenza outbreak. I don't know what is the best seat to go with but I tell you there is NO rational explanation for compulsory inoculations except to draw/obtain DNA samples. If your DNA doesn't measure up, where will you be.

I'm still inclined to the Russel seat.
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If your bike has the stock seat on it shouldn't it be the Classic seat minus the backrest and not the gel seat?

No the bike came with an upgraded seat (sort of speak) cause like i said the gel seat is good for 50 miles

Thanks for all the info, very much appreciated