SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECK SHEET - 10K mile Valve clearances - check/adjust

Does the RIII need a 10K(mile) or 20K(mile) Valve clearances - check/adjust

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I checked mine at 20k and all were in spec. At 40k I had one exhaust valve that was out of spec. I can't remember anyone posting valves out of spec. at 10k but I guess it could happen.
Mine's coming up to the 10k mile service and the dealer is quite clear the valve check is due. Will be interesting to see if any need adjusting.
The service manual does mention lubing the splines under the tire removal section. For the 10k valve check it is recommended by the factory. I watched a Mechanic working at A triumph dealership attempt a valve check on my Bonneville, made him stop and took the bike home and did it myself. 1+1=2 not three. His math was horrible and was using the wrong shim sizes. Funny thing is that you really do not know if your riding with the proper clearance until you check visually. With the amount of money I spent on the ROCKET X I did the valve check at 10k and everything was fine.

Actually Triumph sent the bulletin out to all Triumph dealers in the USA about 3 or 4 years ago that the valve check was changed from 10K to 20K, try research my friend or just call them at Hinckley in England and they'll put you straight instead of arguing with me over it. When I took my Rocket 3 in for Its 10k service in 2013 the dealer told me they had already received the said bulletin and the service was conducted without the valve check. That's the Dealer and their neck is on the line if they screw up with an incomplete service while the bike is under warranty and something goes wrong with it.
Mine's coming up to the 10k mile service and the dealer is quite clear the valve check is due. Will be interesting to see if any need adjusting.

If I was you I would call Triumph GB in Hinckley England. Trust me on this one the valve check at 10k was moved to 20k. What's a five minute phone call going to cost you compared to the extra hours the dealer will charge you for that service. PS please post what they tell you at Triumph GB Hinckley about this matter.
My service manual is a version that is only two years old. Should reflect change from service bulletin if it came out 3 to 4 years ago. It still says to check valve clearance at 10,000 miles.
My service manual is a version that is only two years old. Should reflect change from service bulletin if it came out 3 to 4 years ago. It still says to check valve clearance at 10,000 miles.

I just spoke again to the folks at Triumph GB at Hinckley in England "As I did 4 weeks ago" and they reiterated that the first valve check is at 20k miles not 10K for the Rocket 3 and he will be forwarding me an email with the relevant information
I just spoke again to the folks at Triumph GB at Hinckley in England "As I did 4 weeks ago" and they reiterated that the first valve check is at 20k miles not 10K for the Rocket 3 and he will be forwarding me an email with the relevant information

That would be good - useful if we could have the bulletin number too so I can wave it in front of my dealer!