Scala Rider Bluetooth...GMRS/FRS

Living in the past....


On a lark I went out in the garage and surveyed my 8 tracks. I have among others, Wilson Pickett, Roy Orbison, The Doors and the Bay City Rollers (isn't that an asphalt paving company?). I fondly remember my Kraco 8 track player had a habit of eating tapes. I also kind of remember pulling them out and tossing 'em out the window with streamers of magnetic media trailing down the road. That wouldn't be good on a bike. Might strangle you if it got around your neck and the trailers got snagged on a guardrail.

I also have 2, yes 2 original AM radios from a 57 Chevy. The ones with the 5 pushbuttons and the bow tie in chrome. Somebody must have made a peace offering. I don't remember them but they are right there next to the Kraco and the Spark-o-matic speakers.

I don't even have a cell phone anymore though I'm thinking about one for this upcoming trip. Maybe a pay as you go T mobile or something like that. My cell phone went with my retirement. It was a company phone.

I'd really like to see you in Nashville. We are riding the whole week prior to Nashville so I'll be well seasoned before I get an old chunk of leather.
I have the Scala Teamset. Good and bad. The good ... when on the phone, people have no idea I'm on the bike. Even when having fun w/ the engine. Works very well this way, no complaints. Great standby time and running time.
The bad .. it does only support the "headset" bluetooth profile, not "speakers". Meaning it won't sync w/ bluetooth devices looking for 'speakers'. Only cell phones. And even then, it technically doesn't support functions other than phone. I have a PDA and can fake it into playing MP3s via the headset. The downside? Freaks my PDA out & causes random crashes while playing.
I've also not had a good experience so far w/ helmet to helmet. Audio & volume are poor thus far. I find this strange, since phone calls are superb, so this might just be a problem w/ my 2nd unit.