
Pet name for Neville Lush in Australia who owns a racing shop. He is one of the authorities on the R3.

Well I see I did not hit the post button soon enough to be relevant.
I hate the dragon. Way too many people. And God forbid a semi follows his gps there. I prefer the ga dragon
There are much better roads to ride and I can show you one in the area that makes that one look straight.
Just pop down to Shaftesbury m'dere and have a go at ZigZag hill. We calls it zigzahgs'ill.

Stelvio, Silvretta, Furka and etsven the Transfagarasan and Transalpina are not that far away. Plus you won't get wet riding west.

Might check out zig zag hill when I go visit me son. The rest might take a little more planning.Thats the only trouble living near London no descent roads close by