One reason, I never considered a Harley. Feels like too much of an "in" club. I've known too many Harley guys over the years that look down their nose at you if you're NOT on a Harley. I've also known a fair number that could care less what brand your bike is. Me? I could care less what your riding, as long as your riding and having fun!
The very reason I got the Rocket mate. Missus was adamant I was not to get a Harley because of the attitude it attracts. Glad I made the right decision.
The very reason I got the Rocket mate. Missus was adamant I was not to get a Harley because of the attitude it attracts. Glad I made the right decision.
A lot of women worry about the attention the Harley boys attract from women, a lot of them like to tell their mates my guy has a Harley ,I have been an outrider at 3 Weddings never got asked on the Rocket
Don't know what the dragon is but scooters weaving don't get me started.Where i live filtering traffic is a must which is not a problem on the KTM rocket bit more concentration.Since the invention of Uber eat and just eat scooters are every where and are more dangerous than the cars No problem with other bikers what ever they ride but have noticed don't get the little head nod thumbs up much as you use to get
So I have seen the name pop up a few times, but cannot for the life of me figure out who it is. I’m curious as hell but feeling dumb to since it seems everyone else knows.