Paul between your exhaust and the cams it is a no win situation for the most on two wheels. Very happy. Sure their are a lot of bikes out there that are faster in the long run but from a dead start to around 150 mph the combo with the Ramair is amazing. Dyno is set for the 8th of June and the tuner knows what i am looking for so time will tell.
I got revenge last year on a group of Hardleys. One day me and the misses were out for a nice tour. A group of 4 came up behind me, hung there for a bit, then came roaring past on a double yellow line. Not into racing with the miss on the back.
So a few weeks past and I'm by myself, come to a stop in a small town and this same group comes up behind me, you know revving things up. So I know what going to happen, speed limit is 40 mph, and a no passing zone, I take off normally, all the time watch my mirror. Well as expected these boys pull out to pass, in the safey zone of the town. I was still is first, I twisted it fully and 60 mph came up quickly as you know, just lights in my mirrors. It felt good. AFter 6 or 7 miles on this road, I come to a stop, it's a really nice road, traffic clears and they come rolling up again. I'm signalling left, they turned right
I had a friend come by me on his ultra classic and I went down two gears and hammered it regaining the lead at 120. He was just baiting me to see the Rocket run.
Childish yes but good fun all on a straight four lane road.
I agree no need but the immediate sound and effect are impressive. My forth gear roll on at 60 mph is fine but 60 in second is brutal, getting right at peak power instantly.