sad news

Really sad about this. Actually can't believe it; felt like I knew the guy. On the first of this month he posted that he was going to patch things up with his mother. What a troubled life he'd had yet always prepared to be helpful. ****.
I wont beilieve it until I see the obituary.
If this is true its a **** shame that such a nice,helpfull FRIEND would take his life like that.
I know he had troubles but he always knew that we were here for him....
I still wont believe it...
In a short amount of time, he responded to me and that was his gift. He had the choice to make and I for one will not deprive him of the one he chose. How may people touch others lives? He did. Thank you and only good thoughts your way. I have raised a toast to you tonight. Calmness is now yours.
Ya know my friends, we don't get to make too many real choices. I for one will accept his, respect his, and thank him for being himself. He did many great things. He accomplished much. He was appreciated by many of us. Let's all strive to be contributing soles and real people, hurt, despair..... and joys as we may find.
So sad to here that so many things can cause such a reaction and we all lose a friend. Whilst a lot of may never had met, a few words, a quick joke, and a shared interest, we have lost a brother.

Rest in Piece and ride the sky cobber.