sad news

I was totally shocked when I realized that Hellfire is the same person who helped me a lot with my questions. I just bought a r3t and had lots of concerns and questions about it. He was very helpful, his posts were very descriptive. I think his last post to me was on 4th is what he said..."I posted a thread on how to remove the baffles from D&D's and the tool I used. You can probably find it using the search feature but here's a brief description.
The pipes need to be mounted on the bike and the single screw removed that holds the baffle in place. I then used an expandable bearing puller (picture shown on that other thread) to knock them out. They are pressed in fairly tight but slow steady blows with the slide hammer bearing puller removes them without damage. I found that just pulling the lower baffle and leaving the upper one makes for a nice sound that is not too obnoxious.

I found the thread Removing D&D baffles"

I wish I had more opportunity to know this great guy who was very helpful to everybody. Sometimes life makes it very tough for us to make right decisions. May his soul rest in peace and I am sure where ever he is, he is helping souls around him as that is what his nature is.
I understand your feelings. The unknown is one of the reasons why help centers and other resources make themselves available. They don't completely stop suicide, but show a small measure of success at saving a few lives:

I just posted awhile ago on Phils "life sucks" thread the warning signs from
I believe this same website.
from reading the warning signs, I don't think we missed it.
I "think" there was more happened than we're privy to,
but that's unprovable at this point.
"IF" Kelly took his own life, may he rest in peace now.
"IF" something else happened, we'll never know it.
But one thing his demise has done and that's made us all take stock
of what's truly valuable and important, and how quickly it can all change forever.
I value my friends on here, I value my family,
and I'm grateful to share this space and time with ya'll.
May God bless each and everyone of ya. (even the atheists )
I am still shocked, I still can't beleave Hellfire took his life, I never got to meet him and go for a ride.
I wish I was able and lucky to meet him like a lot of you did,
he seemed confindent in his self and sure new what he was talking about and a strong indivisual, that makes it even harder to think that he would take his own life.
I always thought it was the weeker ones, and goes to show the strong ones go through the same thing, but just more silent I would of taken him in my home if I only new, he was so nice to me.
Rest in peace Hellfire,
What a shame. I loved his post, and often wondered if he was ok. His passing
will hopefully bring strength to those that are bothered. We all love you Kelly.
May God Bless you and your family. The rest of us, please be strong.
Ken Smith
Just yesterday after coming back from Phillip Island MottoGP the day before to find my footboard kit had arrived and as I was fitting it I shed a tear because it while PM talking with Kelly that made me finnally decide to go ahead with the change, I had been concerned about clearance under the boards and He asured me there was no difference but what made shed that tear was his suggestion to just straighten out the brake line to avoid having to bleed the system. At the time the suggestion was made I thought I would go ahead and put the new one on (not being concerned about having to bleed the system) but yesterday while fitting the kit I said aloud "this is for you Kelly" (Hellfire) and straightened out the original as he had suggested so I feel I have a little bit of him with me every time I ride "The Mistress", afterall he did say he wanted to see Australia, well now he can, he is riding with me every where. While I don't have any of the fabled Apple Pie I did toast him with my HHB (Hans's Homemade Bourbon) while sitting round the campfire at the Island last weekend!!!
RIP KELLY (Hellfire) you will never be forgotten here Buddy.
May His Spirit Bless All his Mates and MissMates on this Forum and may he ride with You All Each Day
My son who is in the USAF just had his best friend hang himself yesterday. Twenty five years old, going through a bad divorce, two kids, did not show up for work. He was found hanging in his apartment by another close friend. My son said NO ONE saw any sign this was coming.

There are two kinds of people involved in suicide. The ones that don't want to do it and call out for help in some way and the ones that want to do it, are finished with the pain they are feeling in this life and quietly do it with no call to anyone.

The suicide rate in the US military has gone over the top. But ya never hear about that now do ya? The rate is also way up in the USA due to the bad economy. Bad stuff. Bad stuff.
It is sad that almost everybody knows somebody that comited suicide, one of my nephews killed himself last year,, wonder what is going on.

Rest in peace freind,he was always so helpful in anyway he could be,My best 2 freinds in high school committed suicide also,both were police officers,stress of life,job,divorces really is hard!!!RIP HELLFIRE!!!!
I have been working turnaround out at the refinery on nights for the last 3 weeks or so and I take a min. today to catch up on whats going on out there in the real world just to find this. Kelley will be truly missed. R I P my friend.