Just read the sad news..i never knew Hellfire personnaly but he always had something
intresting to say and was quite knowledgeable he will be greatly missed
R I P Hellfire fellow rocket captain
DONALD KELLY, Passed away October 7, 2011. He was born on January 12, 1965 in Tulsa, OK. Survived by wife Deborah Johannes, brother Timothy Johannes, sister Brandie Bromley and CSX Brotherhood. Visitation to be held on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 from 5:30 – 8:30 P.M. at 3 Kings Bridge Court, Newark, DE.
Hellfire to Me GiPro Mod
Now that she's at '09 specs .... time to bring her up to R3Owners.net specs. lol
How does the wife feel about MORE POWER ?
Break out a legal pad and a box of pencils .... this site is a goldmine of information on "how-to's", "what-for's" and "Why-the-hell-not's". Never pet a Dog that's onFIRE.
Very Sad News..God Bless Him
I didn't know Hellfire personally but online on these pages I felt...
true friendship, kindness and willingness from fellow rider. RIP Hellfire. Please smile on us as we remember your friendship.
Condolences to Family and Friends. Respectfully...Dennis (Dennsell)