Ok Yall....
First off.................there will be NO and I do mean NO bickering at a time like this......
Second off.........If anyone that did not personally know Kelly is thinking about sending flowers for his wife to enjoy please think twice.
Third off............Jim/Maine..........I agree with you totally
Fourth off................I think we should have rememberance patches made in honor of our friend...........Hellraiser can you make that happen...
And I too will say a prayer and ride WITH him in Maggie Valley next weekend.
I like Skip have many questions about this death.I also would like to know if Izzo got Pheobe.........That is what he wanted and I sure hope he has her......
RIP Kelly .........
anytime you want to ride a Rocket just hop on with me.......
I agree with the patch idea STB.
Not the traditional rectangle black and white
"in memory of" patches tho.
One that's "different, just like HellFire was different.
i say we get one made like his Triumph tattoo he got on his shoulder.
Nothing needs to be added to that.
We'll know exactly what it represents,
and I can't think of a more fitting Tribute to the man.
I've got it copied somewhere, if anybody else has it handy post it.
so everyone can see what I'm talking about.
If HR can't get it made, I can....
And I will now declare Saturday night in Maggie Valley spring RAA a memoriam for Kelly(Hellfire).............I think we should all toast him and say a prayer........any objections?????????