sad news

Izzo responded to my message, saying he's been in touch with Kelly's brother about Phoebe. So, he does not have her, yet.

Hellfire was a proud individual. I remember him saying he'd rather die before asking the loan of shop specific tools, on a thread about changing out the fork springs. He did his with vice grips and I gathered he hurt his hands doing so. There are any number of folks on here would go out of their way to lend him a hand, but I'm not at all sure he'd take more than a line on a new job.

When this thread popped up, I'd been looking for his new posts for a few days, hoping for some positive news. Good man, he.

Prayer and thoughts out to his family and friends. Is hard to put into words what one is thinking in a time like this. I brought some of the parts that he had replaced over the years and are still using them. He was always there with help and a quick comment when you needed it. One of the many members that I always enjoy reading his post. Our lost in so many ways. Ride on HELLFIRE.

That part sounds good too.
I agree 100%...
May you RIP hellfire

I am in for a patch, and I will contribute a extra 20$ to help cover the cost of the patches being made

Something just ain't right!! We emailed each other regular and I never got any indication that he was that far off the deep end. He was ready to move and start new.
This just cant be. I need to see a Obit. before I believe this BS!!!!

I have to concur with your thoughts above Phil. As many are aware you and I have crossed sabers in the past, just as you and Kelly did earlier on. Yet, we have found a way to redress and move on somehow. We all have our respective weaknesses and vulnerabilities. No one is a paragon of virtue. Even Jesus weakened when finally crucified and doubted his "father" in a moment of agonized passion. We lesser beings succumb to idiotic straying from the "the path" with far greater frequency. We are painfully adept at self delusion and self destructive tendencies, often in the worst of times. We are all shipmates, at the end of the day...and our vessel is often a pitiable "ship of fools."

Let us all put aside our differences and remember this fallen brother. Let's keep him in our hearts and by so doing keep a piece of him alive, living as memory in us all. He was a unique individual, as are we all, and we ride a unique and iconoclastic bike: the venerable R3.

Let this sad event anneal us and bring us closer. Let it forge a bond born in pain and loss and remembrance of a worthy soul brought low by circumstances we cannot know. He is my brother. You are my brothers and sisters. May you find pathways less fraught with agony than the doomed path of our brother Hellfire. I wish each and every one of you peace and you have my loyalty moving forward. My sisters and brothers of the road...I have your backs. You will be welcome whenever you find yourselves on or near TorC, New Mexico...or Denver, Colorado. I shall do my best, in honor of this fallen brother, to lay down my anger and my isolation as best as I can. I will try to be more accepting and conciliatory. I will try to embrace humility as best as I am able and be as forthright and loving as my reticent persona will allow. The above said, I will try to honor this man I did not quite know, but felt an empathy for. Sometimes the phoenix rises from the proverbial ashes in ways extended family.

Be well brethren. Let us know what troubles you before it overwhelms you as it did our brother. Perhaps we can help another down the road where we failed here with Kelly. I hope so.

I find it hard to believe also but he knows who his friends are and if he shows up on my doorstep I will keep his secret
But alas I don't think that will happen .
If it does no one would know anyway .
Thats what good friends are for .
I still have to see the Obit. to believe it. This is F**** BS!!!!
If its true I'm in on a patch.
Like Dracul said, you just have to change the art. Put In memory of Kelly Johannes (Hellfire) with birth and death date on it.
I too am shocked and saddened by this terrible loss. I have searched the obits in De and cannot find any info. Does anyone know of any other family besides the wife or where he called home ie grew up or lived before De.
I am in the local area and would be able to attend services if I can find out when and where.....................

Rip "Hellfire"

Dave aka Bigfoot
I do not know enough about the history of the tattoo, but good luck suing over a patch made from it. Was it designed by a specific artist in it's entirety? Even if they were to go ballistic and sue over patches made from it, what's there to gain? There isnt a jury in the world that would decide on 1,000s of dollars in fines over a limited production run of patches that won't even turn much of a profit for anyone. The artist would be out all their legal costs for a settlement that would be at most all of the money that was made (which will be what, a few hundo?). Good luck proving original creator on such a thing as well.
Not to mention profiting off tattooing a companies name is a copyright infringement in it's own right.