Rust spots in petrol tank


.040 Over
Nov 1, 2017
Hampshire UK
Rocket 3 roadster 2016
I thought I’d just see how low the petrol was in the tank, as the reading was showing zero miles.
I shone a torch in the aperture, and there are about half a dozen small spots in the bottom of the tank.
There is rust around the part that looks like a sender unit?
Bike is 2016 and still has 5 months warranty.
Anyone else have this or have checked for rust?

I can’t take a pic as the aperture is too small to accommodate the torch and a camera.
A blazing torch thrust deep into the tank should brighten it up considerably!

I don’t expect rust to be in the tank, especially as it’s only 18 months old and the rust spots are submerged in petrol. I never let the tank go dry.

I’ll take it to the dealer and he can have a butchers.

Wow! I would not expect that on a near new bike. I am gona have to check my 2014 when I get home!
I think everyone us should be checking the innards of the petrol tank.

Yup, you are so right. I noticed, the first time I gassed up my bike, that the inside of the filler tube was covered with chipping paint......paint was the same color as the outside of the gas tank! WTF? So, I stuffed a rag down the hole, got various scraping tools and steel wool and went after that chipping paint and then sucked it all up with a hand vacuum. Incredible.....what was Triumph 'thinking' by painting the inside of the gas fill tube?

Rust in a Triumph tank, I had it a few years ago on a Bonnevile.
It was so bad that it would flake off and cause problem with the carby.
Bike was a 2005 model and when I got it was about 3 years old, I was the second owner.
Triumph would not consider that it was their problem, it was a few years old so it was up to me.

It is strange as 20 year old Jap bike tanks are usually fine, its probably the steel used in manufacture.

It can be cleaned out and treated with citric acid, or molasses, really.