Run premium fuel?

Someone on a gsxr forum I used to belong to did back to back dyno runs with regular, called for in the manual, and premium. Slight horsepower loss with premium, about 2 hp, if I remember correctly.
Someone on a gsxr forum I used to belong to did back to back dyno runs with regular, called for in the manual, and premium. Slight horsepower loss with premium, about 2 hp, if I remember correctly.
Incomplete burn.
Someone on a gsxr forum I used to belong to did back to back dyno runs with regular, called for in the manual, and premium. Slight horsepower loss with premium, about 2 hp, if I remember correctly.

i would agree in order to get more power u would have to put more advanced timing in to it.
i think they retarded the timing so they could run junk gas. jmo
Not sure who you mean by they, but bike was as tuned by factory
87 octane….no issues and still fast as hell.
The older bikes are intended to run on regular per factory recommendations. The new Rockets are designed to run on premium. If you put high compression pistons in the older bikes then you need to switch to premium like I did. The newer Rockets come with higher compression pistons from the factory. You should run what the manufacturer recommends.
What gas should I put in my motorcycle? The skinny on octane rating - RevZilla. Better off with recommended fuel, and add additives, injector cleaners, an old timer that worked or owned a Shell station a long time ago said mix the high with the low 1/2 and 1/2 is best, I used to like Mobil but I don't have any around, they may be gone now?? In Florida they sell 103 octane at Sunoco, but it was like twice as much, tried it in my kx 250, didn't notice a big difference, seemed to run hotter, but I think my compression was down to 150psi. Ut I'm sure some I use BP cause it's close and the commercials say it's clean and has additives, I don't know what kind, but the site I posted pretty much says what Dr D said. Gl
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What gas should I put in my motorcycle? The skinny on octane rating - RevZilla. Better off with recommended fuel, and add additives, injector cleaners, an old timer that worked or owned a Shell station a long time ago said mix the high with the low 1/2 and 1/2 is best, I used to like Amoco but I don't have any around, they may be gone now?? In Florida they sell 103 octane at Sunoco, but it was like twice as much, tried it in my kx 250, didn't notice a big difference, seemed to run hotter, but I think my compression was down to 150psi. Ut I'm sure some I use BP cause it's close and the commercials say it's clean and has additives, I don't know what kind, but the site I posted pretty much says what Dr D said. Gl
Which Gas Stations Have The Best Quality Gas? [Simple Guide]
Yeah I think I'm going to mix shell and Exxon Mobil, 87 octane
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The new rockets are designed to run on regular. Yes higher compression can mean higher octane but you also take into account static compression versus dynamic compression. Fuel injection, head cooling, and head design also play a role. That is why engines today can have higher compression than they did in the past and still run on regular.

Dirt Bike magazine did an octane comparison many years ago and found the lower the octane the more power. They did run the test engine with some fuel well below what the manufacturer called for and it made the most power until detonation put a hole through the piston. Higher octane is only to stop detonation because of its greater resistance to burn. If you put premium in a motor that doesn't require it you are just spending a little more money, making a little less power and adding detonation protection that is meaningless.

I only run regular in my bike and when I had it making 160hp at the rear wheel, it was done with regular, without issue, on the dyno and if it doesn't have an issue on the dyno it isn't going to have an issue on the road.