Rumors of a new Rocket 3 refresh model

Like I said before I doubt you can get an older Gen 2 Rocket flashed with a 24 tune.
I just came back from my dealer, took the bike in because sometimes when I give it some throttle and let the clutch out to get going in first I hear this weird squealing especially going up my sketchy, paved and little rocks everywhere driveway. That made me concerned about the clutch. I had no problems with it all day and neither did the tech who test rode it. They think I must be spinning the rear wheel. So when he got back I told him that I plan on putting a tune on it and it would be nice if they did not mess with it when I bring it back for service. He said that as long as I let them know about the tune when dropping the bike off they can work around it. He also said he's never seen a problem with tuned bikes he's worked on.
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If and when the new Rocket maps become available, and if they conform (same throttle positions and rpm’s in the tables), people with earlier bikes will be able to copy the new tables into the older base maps. Since they didn’t do anything to the engine, the added power must be due to derestricting the electronic throttle, as Penner has done. The tables in the latest Penner tunes will probably do the thing to your 2020, by all accounts. No need to drop $26K for more power.
Keep that dealer and in fact where is it? I bet they would even put on a horn they sell at their shop.
That would be nice but I have my doubts. If they do it won't be for free so I'm wondering what the price will be if in fact they do. Now that I think about it they WILL benefit monetarily if they have the maps available for earlier models.