I cannot say that the extra few horses are of interest, but I do like the new black/blue paint scheme and those new lighter wheels. Still not enough of a change to make me want to trade in my 2020 model.
I don’t know about you, but with the little bikini windshield on the GT, I have to lean forward starting at ~75mph to counter the wind load. I am really holding on at 90+mph, just no sitting back at that speed. Maybe your more ripped than me and can handle it. At the red light though, I’m totally lounging around.
True, I am incredibly ripped and bench press my Rocket GT daily but enough about me. At 05 mph in a school zone do you really need to have T-Rex arms? Do they lean forward in their cars also? I can understand HD doing it but Triumph? Nope!
Info for us: nothing specially new, higher performance is done by computer settings, probably only in the sport mode and are more moarketing numners than really useful. New tires will be probably only from Metzeler, we will see. Colors are not what I would choose.
Just received an email from Triumph
About the new Storm R3 GT and R different wheels, 182ps and 225nm I still think that a 2500cc bike engine should deliver 200ps, a Yamaha V Max 1700 does!
With the new exhaust there's a bit too much black for my liking
My view:
I don't like the black/black motorcycles and engines. I like my black standard GT more. Also the black/silver wheels are nicer.
Colors are also not my taste. My Intruder 800 is white metallic with silver metallic parts and chrome engine and exhaust. Beautiful.
Power is increased only by re-mapping, we can do it theoretically anytime.
In video upper they said that Avon closed the factory, so we will not have cobra heads on tires anymore and will finish by Metzeller.
For me, nothing special for 1200 GBP.
Well! I am glad that I saved at least $15000 CDN by not upgrading from my 2020 R3 GT. What a disappointing upgrade. Triumph is adapting the same sales tactics as Harley Davidson. At least HD bumps up the displacement and adds some new features every 3-4 years.