An update, I checked the TPS a voltage it was .60v & ISC was .70v. The specifications for John’s tune which I have is TPS .64v and ISC .76v. So I replaced the TPS , set voltage at .64v, the ISV was only .72v, adjusted the stepper motor to .76v. What I did find was the adjusting nut on the stepper motor was very easy almost to easy to turn.
I started the motor and ran it until it was at operating temperature, the idle was good.
Rechecked the TPS & ISC voltage still at .64 & .76.
Haven’t been able to echeck the .5mm gap between the stepper motor and the throttle, having trouble getting access because the cruise control cable junction box is in front of the stepper motor. I will see what I can do tomorrow.
To much rain to be able to road test.