Rox Risers for R or TFC

Installed today my heated grips and rox risers. Remove the windshield part. And reroute the cables. That gives uou just enough

did you have to take the entire front piece off to get at the hydraulic lines, and how did you route them, i put the risers on, and i found i was good for electrical, but way to tight on the brake and clutch lines
Loosenthe bolt just a little twist where your brake and clutch cable is connected to the bandlebar. Turn the cable more forward. Gives you about a cm more play
your loosening the banjo bolt and turning the line itself slightly, sorry just making sure i understand what you did
did these risers give enough to make the sitting position a little more back, and definitely cheaper than new handle bars and extension kits
I’d like to see this answered please by a TFC owner that has done the risers.
If you look at this pic, you can see how movement you could have on a TFC which is what I have.


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Loosenthe bolt just a little twist where your brake and clutch cable is connected to the bandlebar.
...did you find by doing this, it gave you a more comfortable sitting position?...i rode the 'R' model and found it too much of a bend forward for me...did it help with this?
...did you find by doing this, it gave you a more comfortable sitting position?...i rode the 'R' model and found it too much of a bend forward for me...did it help with this?
It is more comfortable. More backwards. I like the mid controls. But was sitting to much bend over.