Route Advice

Hello @Steel, I was goign to say I could save you some time and bring sweet Betty down to stay with me in Virginia for awhile till you can come over. I would surely keep her warm for ya...
All kidding aside, if you come through the DC area, I'll meet you some where for a lunch or whatever meal time it is when you pass by. If traffic is good, it takes about 4 hours to get to the area I work in south of DC. When you ride out of Berlin, make sure you check that Philly trafiic. You may wish to avoid I-95 until you get past Willimngton, DE. I-295 south may be a faster, less crowded route.In any case, let me know when you think you will pass through and I will arrange to link up somewhere.
@Boog If you would have told me that before yesterday I would have let you pick her up, and just flew into Washington, but I booked a cheep flight yesterday that can't be changed. I will be flying up Monday Sept 14th, and should land In Philly about 2:45. I'll just have carry on so I should be able to get out of the airport quickly. Still not positive on transportation to Berlin, or how long that will take. I'd be happy to meet up for some dinner.

@TriumPhil I'll be at Carpenter Racing on the afternoon of Sept 14th, if you are free and still wanted to meet up.

@rainman I should be down around your neck of the woods on the evening of Wednesday day the 16th.

I'm hoping to jump on Skyline Dr, then the Blue Ridge Parkway on the morning of the 15th, and probably have to spend a night about Half way to Niota (I'm guessing around Fancy Gap) Then take off on the 16th to catch the Dragon both ways before getting down to Notia, TN to see Rainman.

I really haven't planned for anything beyond that, except to be back in LA by Friday night, or Saturday morning.

I still need to plug in my new GPS and see how the route planner works.
If you would like more routes from Chattanooga into Ms off interstates let me know there are several ways with nice scenery.
If you would like more routes from Chattanooga into Ms off interstates let me know there are several ways with nice scenery.
That would be very appreciated. I wasn't looking forward to all Interstate once I passed Tennessee. Thanks!
We normally use interstate thru Chattanooga then get on hwy 11 in ga. It runs along with the interstate. You can side trip to little River canyon if you have time and in gadsden al there is nocolula falls. Both are Nice stops. Hwy 278 goes west from gadsden to Cullman al, where I live. From there take hwy 69 to Tuscaloosa al. Careful on a couple curves on that road they sneak up on ya. From there if you are a glutton for punishment, there is hwy 43. All the way to mobile al.
If you prefer going through huntsville al you can go hwy 72 from Chattanooga into huntsville. It's all 4 lane, but not a bad ride. Hope this helps.
If I'm home I'd buy a meal and ride with ya a couple hours, but I'm always on the road.
Thank you.

For that money, Art should drive up from Florida, pick you u[ and deliver you to a close by motel!